Tao Language for Scripting and Computing

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Important notice!!! This Tao language has been renamed into Dao language to avoid confusion with the TAO language, the new SF project name is: daoscript.

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What is Tao Language?

Tao is an object-oriented scripting language with dynamic-typing variables supporting complex data structures. A reference counting based garbage collector is implemented, which is capable to collect cyclically referenced objects efficiently. Tao also provides string regular expression matching functionality with direct syntax supports. It has built-in numerical data types such as complex number and multi-dimensional numeric array, and their corresponding operations and computations are very convenient in Tao. Moreover, it can be very easily extended by writing your own C++ modules, which can be loaded dynamically in the Tao scripts, and your own C++ objects can be created and used in a similar way as Tao objects.

This website is maintained by Fu Limin.
Copyright(C) 2004-2005, Fu Limin.
Email: fu [dot] limin [dot] tao [at] gmail [dot] com