
Frequently Asked Questions

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1. What's the meaning of Tao? Who designed it?

2. What's the principle of the design of Tao?

3. What's the key features of Tao?

4. There are already a number of computing and scripting language existing, why you designed a new one from scratch?

1. What's the meaning of Tao? Who designed it?

Tao comes from a Chinese word (see the old log), it is the same "Tao" in Chinese philosophy and religion Taoism. Its basic meaning is "path, way", but it also means the ultimate principle of the universe in Chinese culture and philosophy. It's believed that such principle must show extreme simplicity. And simplicity is what this language and its interpreter intended to have.

Tao Scripting Language is designed and implemented by Fu Limin, the only developer of Tao so far. The new log is also designed by the same author using GIMP software.

2. What's the design principles of Tao(the language and the interpretor)?

Tao is intended to be a simple (to use) and efficient (to compute) language. It must be cross-platform, and system-dependent functionalities should be provided as loadable modules. Whenever possible, it also integrates nice features of other languages.

Simplicity, efficiency and Maintaince are the primary concern in the design of Tao. The Tao interpretor is implemented in C++.

3. What's the key features of Tao?

  1. Object-oriented ( syntax slightly similar to C++ ).
  2. String regular expression with syntax support ( similar to Perl ).
  3. Numeric types and their operations ( slightly similar to Matlab ).
  4. Extendable with C++ through a simple and transparent interface.

4. There are already a number of computing and scripting language existing, why you designed a new one from scratch?

First I should say none of the existing languages is perfect. Different languages apply different philosophies and principles, and different people have different tastes. A new language provides users a new choice. I believe you will find something nice in Tao.

版权所有(C) 2004-2005, 傅利民.
Email: fu [dot] limin [dot] tao [at] gmail [dot] com